General Assembly : [Press Play] Part One

General Assembly LON
3 min readDec 16, 2020

Have you heard the word? We’re on demand now and online learning will never be the same. We’ve brought together the best online events of the year and made them available to you for free. Just sit back, relax and let the learning come to you.

So You Think You Want A Career In Tech?

Hear from a panel of those working in tech, including a product manager, a scrum master, a web developer and a UX designer. Listen to them tell all about about their professional experience in tech and ask any questions you have!

F*ck Being Humble Presents: CV’s Made Easy

Writing your CV can be tricky at the best of times, so we’ll help guide you on how to showcase your unique skills, most relevant work experience, craft a great cover note and how to make sure the viewer truly understands why you’re worth investing in!

Own Your Story: How To Speak Up and Own Your Accomplishments

Be confident and kill it in all areas of your life. All the tools and tips in this masterclass are backed by the science of positive psychology and have an immediate impact.

Creative Queens While In Quarantines

This event is an opportunity to learn from the best — serious wisdom, from seriously cool women, all designed to supercharge you and your organisation’s success.

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, I Need a Career Change After All

Are you thinking of a career change but you can’t decide what’s next? You’ve got ideas but you’ve been going round in circles and now you’ve got paralysis by analysis? Time to get out of your own head and come to this workshop. We will tackle the career change question from 3 different angles.

A Guide to Creating the Ultimate CV

Your CV is one of the most important Personal Branding Documents in your Job Seeking Toolbox. However, it is also the reason why so many applications are met with the dreaded rejection letter.

How to Navigate a Quarter Life Crisis

You want to change but don’t know where to even start. Worst of all, you feel like you’re the only one going through this.

Don’t worry. You’re not alone and nothing has gone wrong.

By the end you will feel like a weight has been lifted. Not only will you know how to navigate yourself out of a QLC, but you’ll be equipped with an internal compass that will navigate you out of any future crisis.

Tools to Boost Daily Effectiveness & Productivity with Evernote

Working smarter doesn’t just effect your productivity but transforms your satisfaction and well Being in work, and in life. It’s the little things that you do everyday that have the biggest Impact in your results.

I’ve got 99 problems, but oozing creativity ain’t one

Applying for countless creative roles and finding it hard to stand out in your tough, every changing industry, or is it not feeling your self worth that’s playing on your mental health while in isolation?



General Assembly LON

Empowering a global community to pursue careers they love through courses in coding, UX design, data, marketing & product | Contact: