New Year, New Career

2020 has had us all reevaluating things, but as we look ahead to 2021 we can’t help but wonder: What will the new year look like? What are we going to do? How can we make it better? Our answer, use the year to up skill with some of our favourite classes. You’ll still be you, but you *might* start to feel better about the future.

General Assembly LON


How to Turn Your Passion into Your Career

Whether you’re an avid photographer or love to travel, this class will help you learn how to turn your passion or hobby into a career. From identifying your vocation to determining how to make a living from it, you’ll leave with an understanding of how to take something you love and make a living out of it.

How to Redesign Your Habits & Master Productivity

In this workshop, we will focus on how to move from being busy and overloaded to productive and effective. We will also identify actionable, evidence-based strategies to find more value in the hours you spend at work and to feel less stressed on and off the job.

Get Financially Savvy: How to Manage Your Money

In this interactive session, we will discuss theories, strategies and tested methods around money, financial wellbeing and managing for our future. Be ready to leave with real short and long term actions you can implement today to be better off for tomorrow. We will also discuss the various lifestyles which impact your money matters, such as freelancers, entrepreneurs, contractors and full-time employees. In a day and age of online technology, we will also share the apps we recommend to make your life easier.

Presentation Skills and Public Speaking

Whether you are speaking to an entire company or a few clients, your presentation skills establish your credibility and impact. This hands-on workshop focuses on how to engage your audience and deliver your message with confidence, conviction, and clarity.

Combatting Imposter Syndrome: How to Build Confidence & Overcome Self-doubt

In this interactive session, we will touch on associated topics such as confidence, imposter syndrome, communication styles and delve into personalities, diversity and differences — leaving with a stronger, confident and powerful sense of self!

Mobile Video: Produce Content Like a Pro

Are you interested in producing more professional videos on your iPhone or smartphone? This introductory class is designed to give producers the right tools to record great mobile content. The class will provide an in-depth look at the media capabilities of iPhone and smartphones. Additionally, the class will cover the basics of storytelling, interviewing and composition.

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General Assembly LON

Empowering a global community to pursue careers they love through courses in coding, UX design, data, marketing & product | Contact: